Saturday 16 November 2013

When does a child begins to remember their Earliest Recollections of Life, Roasting cashews

I suppose you remember things that are important to you in some situations or the other. Something that is significant or emotional. I also remember few more things when i was 3 or 4 years old.
When I was three I remember the house we lived in. We had a courtyard  and from the street there were about 6 steps from the street  and on the side of it there were bamboos.  As I said before we were three siblings and also three cousins lived in the same house so all six of us used to play hide and seek between the bamboos.
We also had huge jack-fruit trees in season twenty to thirty pounds of fruits will be hanging,We had  mangoes and Papaya at the back and of course coconut trees  and I also remember some pineapple plants.We had a well for our water and the rest room in the corner.And the neighbors used to raise some pigs
But the important thing I remember is our cashew tree all six of us used to get up early to see who would find the most cashew fruits and nuts. The cashew fruit is similar to a pear and the nut sticks out. when it is ripe it
would fall off the trees. And once a week my father and uncle would start a born fire and all of us get together and roast the cashew nuts. For some reason the laughing and peeling and tasting the cashews linger
in my heart soul and mind as fond memories.

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